Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
in the final stretches...
Safina is starting to sort through her toys, on her own, and pick out things that the baby will like to play with. She's changing her dolls diapers, feeding them milk from a cup and with a spoon. And, wanting to carry her dolls in her backpack on her back. So, this is all very exciting for us. I hope and pray she will have an easy adjustment to being a big sister.
We're looking forward to Mummy's trip out here. It will be a huge blessing to have her here as we all make the transition.
We're thinking of all of you. And, hoping Cheryl is not too stressed and that studies are going well for Pradeep too. Keep us posted with how things are going with all of the exams.
juliana for all of us...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Surviving the heat in Vellore
Anand especially is having a tough time. He has developed a bad rash (which we think is prickly heat) all over his body, and keeps scratching it and getting cut. A number of children develop heat exhaustion and heat stroke in Vellore every year. Please pray that Anand may be kept safe.
He has had a new summer hair cut! He now spends most of the day running around with hardly any clothes on, and climbs into a tub of water to cool off whenever he gets the chance.
Anand enjoying the mango season.
We have moved our bedroom to the kitchen to take advantage of the occasional cool breeze that goes through the passage. We have also bought a new cooler. This means, also, that we have had to take the big step of asking Anand to sleep seperately. We have built a new bed for him out of packaging material we picked up in the corridor of the dialysis unit next door. So far, he has taken all these changes very well.
Studies go on as usual.....slowly moving towards my entrance exam on May 14th. Usually CMC students have a big advantage in this exam, and most get admission. This year, however, quite a few former students are writing the exam, and so it is by no means certain that I will get in. I think it is better that way. We are praying that if this is not God's will, He will close the door tightly shut, and show us clearly His plans for our lives.

Friday, April 17, 2009
N.T. Wright
Here's his Web page and the audio/video selection is about half-way down the page:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Prayers for safe keeping...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Be Not Afraid (Joshua 1:9)
Here I Am Lord
Yahweh, You Are Near
On Eagles Wings
Until Then (Words and music by Stuart Hamblen © 1958)
Deborah Drapper (part 2)
We found this video really interesting and even inspiring. Some things that struck us are:
1. We could think that this girl is a little over-the-top, and weird, but I was impressed because she is only thirteen, and so sure of her convictions and zealous for what she believes.
2. I was impressed by her single-mindedness and obvious love for Jesus.
3. She was obviously living as one who has 'eternity in her heart'
4. I was also impressed by the parents. For example, in the discussion on home-schooling, the father talked about how much there was that he and his wife wanted to teach the children, but if they went to school and then to tuitions and other activities, they would be away from early morning to late in the evening. He asked how it would be possible to train the children to love Jesus and live for Him if they were being brought up by the State.
5. When the interviewer asked him what he wanted to train his children for, he replied, "For eternity." That is not the reply I would have thought of. I would have said something about them learning to be independent and able to fend for themselves in this world, educated and able to do well professionally, etc, with some mention about them coming to love Jesus and live for Him. His answer is actually much more important, because, as Rick Warren says, the whole purpose of life on earth is to prepare us for eternity.
6. I was impressed at the quality of the family-prayers.
7. I was also impressed that BBC merely reported, without offering their opinion or viewpoint.
I know Deborah Drapper is young and has a long way to grow. I pray that she may be kept in humility and a right spirit, and that God may continue to be glorified in her life
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Deborah Drapper
The two of us have also watched a couple of videos of the BBC documentary on her. The first of six parts is here.
We have then had a number of interesting discussions! We plan to watch the rest of the videos tomorrow.
Juliana, you may find this way of telling the Easter story interesting.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Safina's eating for the baby...
Love, juliana
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Healing of Reconciliation
I wonder if we in India could witness some day healing between members of the Muslim and Hindu communities in Gujarat, or the Sikh community and the ones who hunted them down in 1984, or the Christian community and the ones who continue to target them systematically in Orissa.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
24RR and as far as the pendulum swings
Logging in...
To begin with... a big thanks to Pradeep... not only can we keep in touch, but its great fun too!
Especially good to hear about all the exciting stuff Safina and her parents are upto...!
Well life's been good. Crazily paced for Cheryl, but reasonably so for me. Meeting people and journeying with them has definitely given me a high. Sharing smiles, chais, and bus rides with people has been wow. Lows have been the overwhelming problems that people experience. I find myself crying out to God each night on behalf of someone or the other. Where poverty is the cause for someone's death, I consider myself guilty of homicide. So pretty intense feelings and experiences, but I'm glad we are going through these together (me and Cheryl).
The fact that we can debrief together at the end of the day is a big support. Additionally, family being a phone call away or a metro ride away is also great. Then besides our church we're also a part of a small group of people recently christened "the Eastenders" because all of us intentionally live on the east side of the city across the river (the dodgy end of Delhi) trying to live with the poor. So belonging to this group is great since we tend to discuss very similar struggles like how to respond to seeing a naked destitute man on the side of the road.
Now could I use this blog to ask you guys to pray for my new friend Nazeem. I was devastated when I heard yesterday that the doctors have given him 3 months to live. Both his kidneys have failed... and he's had a stroke, and lives with a really high BP.
In the night I read that the
I've just found a pearl in Nazeem... can I live the kingdom by selling everything I own... just to buy that pearl?
Please pray for Nazeem and pray for me as I try to be his friend.
Sorry that my first post was a little intense.
Love to all,