And so, Anand had an extended birthday weekend. Family from Bangalore arrived by Saturday mid morning. Saturday night, we had dinner with Anand's second cousins in Vellore, and their families. Arpita made all the food herself.....Fried rice and Kaju chicken, with raitha and tomato chutney, followed by Anand's favourite green mango icecream.
Arpita made the cake in the shape of a fish, and many small cupcakes, each with a lily pad made of icing, and a frog perched on top. Anand enjoyed blowing out the candles, and cutting the cake. He then surprised us by taking bits of the cake and running around to put in the mouths of the other children there! Each child got a cupcake and frog for himself. We then lit candles for all the children to blow out. I think they had fun.

I have gone into some detail because I was really impressed with the way Arpita planned this event, and set it all up by herself. She made this birthday exciting and fun for everyone who came, and Anand enjoyed every detail.
The next morning, Anand received his presents, and the adults around enjoyed watching (and helping) him unpack them and discover each of them. What fun!
After lunch, the family from Bangalore drove back.
Today, (Anand's actual birthday!), he had one of his favourite people over for dinner...Anandit. He then had the opportunity to blow candles again, and cut the actual bithday cake...again!
Here's a video from a year ago, of Anand trying to climb a chair..
Our little baby has now become a little boy. Here he shows us his attempts to stand on his head...
Discovering his new remote controlled car...
Manhandling his poor tired dad...
Horse-riding with cousin Arpit
Dancing with cousin Tamara..
We are so grateful for the past two years, and for the gift of Anand.
Anand is such a special and precious gift. Praise God for him.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANAND! We love you and are eager to see you soon!
juliana for all of us.
P.s. the birthday cake looks yummy.
Love the videos. It is such a joy to see Anand grow! Happy birthday little boy! Lots of love.
Loved the pictures and the videos I could see. Anand seems to have had a great time. Not bad sweets : )
Did I miss a lily pad cup cake with frog? Made it to the little Brothers of Jesus by night fall on Sunday. Spent yesterday in quietness...was thinking of all of you (24rrand beyondies) and was thanking God for Anand and the joy he brings to all of us. Big Auggie and kiss to him from Sha sha
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