Wednesday, October 7, 2009

'The American Dream' and other ramblings

Here's some interesting stuff from today's reading.....

Will California become America's first failed state? The question caught my attention, and I went to this article. I found it worrying, because in India today, we are trying to imitate the American Dream, which seems basically: Earn all the money you can, as fast as you can. Anticipating all that you will be earning, start spending as fast as you can, and live as 'well' as you can... I was reminded of this line from the song "The American Dream" by Casting Crowns.....

'his "American Dream"
is beginning to seem,
more and more like a nightmare!'.

It's worrying to see where this spending on credit inevitably ends....

Then I came across this interesting contrast of a lady who managed to pile up, over the years, more than $100,000 in debt. She tells her story of the road back over 13 years, and it was good to read about the actual practical ways her family managed to clear the debts...the sound principles and her observations of the results.

Then I found this video of a family who decided to move into a poor neighborhood, and 'live life on the front porch' and the results. I was reminded of Anugrah and Cheryl. (HT: Vitamin Z who calls it a powerful example of living out the implications of the Gospel)

I also came across this great quote.

"The gospel is a door with a sign overhead that reads, Abandon all despair ye who enter here." (Jared Wilson via Vitamin Z).

This is so true, isn't it.

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