1. The MCI has proposed setting up 300 medical colleges to provide a truncated medical education to rural students and deploy them there to provide basic healthcare facilities to villagers. You can read two press releases here and here.
What do you think?
1. Do you think this will only perpetuate inequalities and disparities in health care, with villagers getting 'poor quality' medical care? Is this just?
2. Do you think the City-doctors, who have no intention of moving to the country, are right in trying to block this development?
3. Or is this an ingenious way of forcing a solution to a difficult problem.
(For the record, I think this is a great idea. I am not sure, though, that in the long run it will not create more problems than solve them.)

2. Suffering Well: Faith Tested by Pastor's Cancer....An article that appeared in the Associated Press, about Matt Chandler's battle with brain cancer.

I have now found that for a "limited time" it is possible to watch all the films online, even though it is not possible to watch the application videos. Do grab the opportunity.
4. The nice truth about marriage (from a letter of John Newton to his wife, Polly)
"It is no wonder if so many years, so many endearments, so many obligations have produced such an uncommon effect, that by long habit, it is almost impossible for me to draw a breath, in which you are not involved."
(HT: 9Marks)
5. "Beneath the Sun" The heart-breaking (and very well-written) story of a child's liver transplant
6. Hard words from Robert Murray McCheyne (Works (New York, 1847), II:482.)

"I fear there are some Christians among you to whom Christ cannot say ‘Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you.’ Your haughty dwelling arises in the midst of thousands who have scarce a fire to warm themselves at and have but little clothing to keep out the biting frost, and yet you never darkened their door. You heave a sigh perhaps at a distance, but you do not visit them. Ah my dear friends, I am concerned for the poor, but more for you. I know not what Christ will say to you on the great day. You seem to be Christians, and yet you care not for his poor. Oh, what a change will pass upon you as you enter the gates of heaven! You will be saved, but that will be all. There will be no abundant entrance for you. ‘He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly.’
And I fear that there may be many hearing me who may know well that they are not Christians, because they do not love to give. To give largely and liberally, not grudging at all, requires a new heart. An old heart would rather part with its life-blood than its money. Oh my friends, enjoy your money. Make the most of it. Give none of it away. Enjoy it quickly, for I can tell you, you will be beggars throughout eternity"
(HT: Ray Ortlund)
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