Monday, March 22, 2010

Excuse me?

Dinner done, Anand slid off his chair onto the floor. His parents, however, were still eating.

Mom: Anand, I didn't hear you excuse yourself. Can we try it again? Can you get back onto your chair, and excuse yourself before leaving the table?

(Anand climbs back into his chair)

Anand: Excuse me.....?

Mom: Yes, of course, baby, you may leave the table.

Anand slid off the chair again, and looked up at his mom, with question marks all over his face.

"What's the point, Mama?"


Juliana Abraham said...

LOL! I love this. How adorable. Oh, I just can't wait to see him and give him many, many hugs!

Anugrah said...

He is sooo getting his "attitude" from his mom!

Pradeep said...

Anugrah, don't acquit his father so easily!