Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New baby in the family

Hi all - A new baby has joined the family. She was born this evening at around 3:45pm our time. Mom and baby are tired but doing well. Will post photographs soon.

Love, Ashish


Anugrah said...

A massive congratulations to Juliana, Ashish & Safina... Praise God that all went well... We're very eagerly looking forward to seeing pictures of our brand new niece...!!!
AND... get on with the business of naming her chaps... isnt she inspiration enough???

arpita said...

congratulations all of you! So glad things went well. Was wondering why it was going so much past the 20th...
What have you named her?
waiting for the pictures and more news. Praying for you all and specially juliana and baby.
our love to you,

Pradeep said...

Wow! Congratulations to all of you! We are waiting for pictures, and her name! Enjoy this time

Ashita said...

Congratulations Juliana, Ashish, and Safina! I do know the name as I've seen this post later than the others...but looking forward to pictures please.
How is Safina responding to Serena? What is the meaning and origin of the name? Looking forward to more news as time permits.
will be praying for you all.