A few seconds after Girly kissed Achachen goodbye, I did too. And as I did a thought struck me. When I leave this world and all that is familiar to me and as I travel to an unknown realm, Cheryl will not be there to say goodbye to me (she may go before me). and given the natural course of things, in all likelihood my parents won't be there to say goodbye to me, neither will any of my siblings, possibly none of my friends... no one who I know and trust as my own today is likely to be there while I leave this world. Except for one person... the little person swimming in Cheryl's amniotic fluid. As I was kissing Achachen for the last time, I fast-forwarded in my mind to the time when my child will be kissing my brow and telling me to travel well across the valley of the shadow. As I leave these shores, s/he will be waving goodbye to me, assuring me that I will be missed. And in that moment, I became aware of a deep spiritual connection between me and my child... and this worked to assure me and calm my anxieties. What could be the loneliest, darkest and most fearful journey of my life, became in my mind a beautiful adieu.. what's more, I wouldn't have to begin that journey alone. Someone who is already alive today... my child... will be there with me.
So as we say goodbye to you Achachen... we will miss you... we love you... and we eagerly long for the day when we will be reunited... till that day... kartavey stotram!
Anugrah! Thank you so much for your post. You are a beautiful, beautiful writer! I'm grateful for you!
Love, juliana
How we wish we could also have made it to Kerala....especially since we also missed Achachen's 85th birthday
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