Friday, April 2, 2010

Today's links 2/4/2010

Short clips from two sermons by S. M. Lockeridge

1. "That's My King!"

2. "Sunday is Coming"

(HT: Justin Taylor)

3. A nice post from Shaun Groves (accompanied with some great photos) where he explains how the death of one of his teachers taught him how to live, and says that, for him, "Retirement is Now"

4. A nice sentence I found in the "Profile" of a blogger......

Just trying to be a Mary in a Martha kind of world.

5. Grace Driscoll answers the question:

"As the wife of a pastor and the daughter of a pastor, what are your thoughts and feelings about the precedent Dr. Piper’s announcement makes for his family and the families of other ministry leaders who look to him for leadership?"

She writes that there are Eight Godly Precedents set by John Piper taking a Sabbatical

(HT: Vitamin Z)

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