Friday, April 2, 2010

A song for good friday

I could listen to the above song over and over and over again!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend. This has been one of the most powerful Lent seasons for me in my memory! I feel as though I've been brought to a deeper understanding of some of my greatest frailties. There's a name for this - conviction!

So often I look in all the wrong places for what God so willingly offers me (of all people) in Ephesians 1:3-8! Read it! And, claim it! (I'm mostly telling myself this) ;)

On the home front, the girls are doing really well. Safina is getting so big and she is so smart. She's so confidant and exuberant. She smiles at all kids in the park and introduces herself like this, "My name is Safina and I'm three years old."

On Monday she was snipping at a magazine with some child-scissors and when I went to put some dishes in the dishwasher, she snipped at a chuck of her hair. So, I spent a few days talking to her about some of our options. And, we ended up cutting 11 inches off and donating it to Locks of Love. I wasn't sure if she would go for it. But, I knew we were going to have to make a dramatic cut anyway and I told her this way, some child who has lost their hair can now have hair. So, she felt good about it. She got two lollipops from the hair salon and a certificate for donating her hair. I'll post a few pictures soon.

Serena is crawling all over the place. I need to upload a video of how she's crawling. She is so adorable. Both of our girls remind me SO much of Mummy! Right down to their little toes! Serena, even more so than Safina curls and bends her toes in the same way her granny does! It's fascinating to watch.

Sharing is a hard thing. Serena is getting tired of having her big sister grab things and lets her voice be heard. Safina is quite the tough big sister at times. But, when Serena is really really sad, she'll go over and comfort her and caress her and give her lots of kisses.

We feel so blessed to be their parents! And, hope and pray we can honor God as their parents! It's a challenge on a daily basis for sure. But there are so many teachable moments for all of us. I'm always so struck by how much the girls teach me about the love of Christ!

May you each be filled with the Spirit!


1 comment:

Pradeep said...

We are so waiting to see your pictures and videos, and to meet you all later this year.