Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Power is on!!!!

Last Friday/Saturday our area got accumulations of 30 inches of snow!!! Our power went out Saturday at noon. The crews finally made it to our neighborhood last night (while it was snowing another 20 inches) and fixed our power. Being 4 days without power makes us really grateful to have it back on again. We've been so fortunate though, the previous owners of our house bought a generator and wired it to our house, so for a few hours each day we've had running water and heat. And, then we've all been sleeping in our basement next to our gas fireplace!

The girls have had a BLAST! It's nice to provide normalcy for them.

Anyway, I used to scoff at people who stocked up on groceries and supplies before a winter storm, I am now one of those people!!!

We were so fortunate to have the generator and feel so incredibly blessed. So many of our neighbors were totally stuck and moved out of their homes and stayed with friends while their power was out. And, I just pray none of their pipes burst because of the cold weather and the inability to run their water.

anyway, just thought I'd give you all the update in case you were hearing all of the reports of the snow storm here.



Babu said...

We are glad that the worst is over (I do hope). We were worried after we heard that you did not have power, phone or internet for several days. Yes, we do take most of the basic amenities for granted. How grateful we ought to be!

Anugrah said...

Had heard in the news that some parts in the DC area might loose power...
Glad to hear you made it through alright!
Is it still snowing bad?

Juliana Abraham said...

Yes, we are relieved. But simply amazed at how dependent we are on electricity and are trying to be much more conservative with how much of it we use.

We're excited to talk with all of you on Wednesday!