So for those of you who have not posted for a long time, let me suggest frequent posts whenever you get the time. Sustaining momentum is easier than starting to move....something to do with the laws of inertia that I seem to remember from looooong ago.
Here are some photos and videos from our family celebration of Christmas. The aim was to help Anand learn the story of Jesus birth through repetition. We also wanted him to experience the joy of anticipation that something exciting was about to happen, and the joy of seeing the promise fulfilled.
We tried to do this using candles and a crib.
We had dinner by candlelight for the last week before Christmas. We started out with one candle, and every couple of days or so, we would add on another one, until we had 5 candles on Dec 25th, with a new white candle representing Jesus. This was supposed to represent the increasing light of God's working in human history until Jesus birth as the Light of the World. I doubt Anand 'got it', but he enjoyed the candles, and especially blowing them out every day. He saw them as representing "Jesus' Happy Birthday candles"!

For family prayers that week, we read passages from the Old and New Testaments that talked about Jesus' birth.
After prayers, we did our version of the Advent calendar. Anand had painted,(with expert help from his architect aunt) a barn that we placed on a thermocol base. Everyday, we would give him a piece to place in the barn...for example, the animals one day, Mary and Joseph, and the shepherds, and the wise men, and finally a baby to place in the manger on Dec 25th. This was actually really exciting. We enjoyed watching his thrilled expressions and anticipation every day, and by repeating the story every day, we think he learnt a little of it by heart.

And finally, here's Anand enjoying "Jesus' Happy Birthday Cake" from Aunty Neema, on Dec 25th.
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