Monday, December 21, 2009

Chocolate from a cow!

I went with Anand today to pick up my phone. I had given it in for repairs (after Anand had soaked it in a glass of water!)

As we walked along the pavement, I was carrying Anand in my left arm because of the crowd. To my right, I noticed a man a few feet in front of me gesticulating angrily, and waving his broom, as if to scare somebody away.

I then felt a sudden pain in my left lower abdomen, as though I had been struck. As I swung around to the left, I realised what had happened.

We had been attacked by a cow!

The cow, perhaps taking evasive action from this angry man on my right, had attacked us by lowering its head, and striking us with its horns. The horns had struck me on the left lower abdomen, and then upwards onto my left chest, and Anand's lower back.

Anand was very upset, and began crying. He had never before encountered an angry cow.

I was worried. I have treated so many patients after bull gore injuries, and know all that could have happened. I quickly entered the phone shop, and did a quick examination of Anand, and found there was not a scratch. I, too, had escaped without any injury.

Later, I bought a chocolate for Anand, and told him he had been a brave boy.

When we returned home, I asked Anand to tell his mother what had happened. He said, "Bad cow hit Dada." He then said something about an angel, that we didn't quite catch. He never repeated his statement again.

After dinner, he had his chocolate. He then ran around the table to me.

"Thank you, Dada! I love you, Dada! Here, big huggie! God gave Anand chocolate!"

Arpita tells me that a couple of nights ago, after Anand had said his night prayer, and lay down, he suddenly sat up. "Pray for chocolate!" He then knelt down, prayed for chocolate, and went to sleep.

Tonight, in family prayers, he thanked God for chocolate!

So, what do you think?
1. Did Anand see an angel protecting the two of us?
2. Did God answer his prayer for chocolate?!


Juliana Abraham said...

I think both are quite possible. What a great story!

Babu said...


I missed this post. Thank God for prtection for both of you and thank God for Anand's choclate.