Monday, November 16, 2009

I bestow on you a Kingdom

Today I heard God speak to me through the words of Jean Vanier:

"You do not need to pretend.
You do not need to hide your weakness.
You can be yourself.
I didnt call you to Janta Colony or to another form of community
first of all to help others
or to prove that you were generous or efficient.
I called you because you are poor,
just like the ones you came to serve,
and because the Kingdom of God is promised to the poor."


Juliana Abraham said...

Thank you Anugrah. I also read your message on the hidden life of Jesus! It was very compelling and convicting. Ashish and I watched a documentary a few weeks ago and one of the persons interviewed talked about how they knew Christians didn't take the Bible seriously, or weren't transformed by the teaching of the Bible because they weren't selling all they had. They protect what they have and cling to their possessions rather than to Jesus!

You should write more sermons. Are you working on any upcoming messages?

Anugrah said...

Thanks Juliana.
In the last few weeks I found myself thinking that "showing solidarity with the poor" was an option that I had chosen and was in some ways getting bored of.
But God in His grace showed me, that underneath all those layers... I am just a very broken person ... desperately needy... and being loved by others who are blatantly broken and poor, is my best therapy... reminding me of how much I need a savior... I hope I loose more of my pretentious attitudes in the months ahead.